Friday, February 1, 2008


ok malam nih memandangkan hazim techdroid bising sbb walaupun aku konon2 dah jadi full time blogger mcm "the hundreds" laa hari2 nk kena update blog so biase la ape org nak kite kena bagi..padehal blog nih agak gay la bagi tapi xpe,janji aku dpt maki org secara public pon dah cukup baik..well malam nih anak2 kita akan membincangkan fenomena mawi..nak tau kenape alih2 aku nak citer psl mawi..haaaa jap2..(ko bayangkan la aku nih mcm pak haji narrator cite "tiga abdul" tuh...for all readers who doesn't have a clue about the pak haji,just stop giving a crap about it coz it doesnt matter anyways..) ok nih la gamba mawi..hensem beb siap pakai songkok tinggi baju melayu one set fuhhhh mmg jawa johor..nih link mawi nye for malays,mawi is kinda like an equivalent of edison chen minus the low-quality clothing line..young,hip,cool,can produce hits without having a serious talent..something like that la..but the thing is please refer to the pics below youas you can there's an arrow the the medan ikan bakar pointing to "aduh!! saliha"..well for those of you who didn't know,aduh saliha is mawi's chart topping hits of last year or not that sure anyway..the thing is,ape pasal "aduh saliha" tuh ade dekat signbord tuh?? mawi ade share ke kat kedai tuh?aneh sungguh..well i think i and the komodo ninja clan might have a proposition for vans and mawi himself especially..why not you guys put mawi's pic in your sk8-hi or chukka or whatever and put "mawi world" at the soles like those "iron maidens"..hell nowadays even school kids pledging their support for the band but in fact they don't anything about it(i'm part of the target market,but its "the exploited" for me..refer to my last post) kalau vans x mawi x some taiwan/hongkong streetbrand sk8hi or half cab, confirm meletop after this,kids can swear they listen to mawi and voted for him in Akedemi situation for all of us..tapi ape2 JB tetap rock

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